Softform Premier Mattress

Compliance: AS/NZS IEC 60601.1:2015

High Risk. Equipped with a suite of features that ensures durability, sustained high degree of protection against tissue damage for the patient and an ingeniously designed insert pad.

SKU: N/A Categories: Bedroom, Foam Mattresses, Mattresses
  • Deep contoured insert pad for enhanced pressure care area
  • Suitable for High Risk patients / Very High Risk when used in
    conjunction with a profiling bed
  • Two way stretch poly-urethane waterproof cover
  • Risk Level – High
  • SWL 247 kg
  • Dimensions, 197 x 88 cm Single, 197 x 107 King Single

12 Month Warranty on items that are Purchased New

3 Month Warranty on items that are Purchased Exhire